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Sustainable Products 清华大学外教中心 6322023/12/31
Empathic Entrepreneurial Engineering 清华大学外教中心 6712023/12/31
Multicriteria Decision Making 清华大学外教中心 6502023/12/31
The Space Economy: Capitalize on the Greatest Business Opportunity of Our Lifetime 清华大学外教中心 7152023/12/31
The Imperfectionists: Strategic Mindsets for Uncertain Times 清华大学外教中心 6712023/12/31
Age of Invisible Machines: A Practical Guide to Creating a Hyperautomated Ecosystem of Intelligent Digital Workers 清华大学外教中心 5762023/12/31
Contract Strategies for Major Projects: Mastering the Most Difficult Element of Project Management 清华大学外教中心 5792023/12/31
The Technology Doesn't Matter: Prioritizing the People in It Business Alignment 清华大学外教中心 4712023/12/31
Digital Operating Model: The Future of Business 清华大学外教中心 5962023/12/31
Innovating for Diversity: Lessons from Top Companies Achieving Business Success Through Inclusivity 清华大学外教中心 6142023/12/31
Strategies for Organization Design: Using the Peopletecture Model to Improve Collaboration and Performance 清华大学外教中心 4912023/12/31
Collaborative Intelligence: The New Way to Bring Out the Genius, Fun, and Productivity in Any Team 清华大学外教中心 5032023/12/31
Culture Is the Way: How Leaders at Every Level Build an Organization for Speed, Impact, and Excellence 清华大学外教中心 4812023/12/31
Power Economics: An Executive's Guide to Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Generation Strategies 清华大学外教中心 4892023/12/31
Cost Accounting 清华大学外教中心 5052023/12/31
Optimization Modeling for Supply Chain Applications 清华大学外教中心 5912023/12/31
Strategic Alignment of Innovation to Business 清华大学外教中心 4872023/12/31
The Organisation of Transactions 清华大学外教中心 4942023/12/31
Game Theory 清华大学外教中心 5812023/12/31

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