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Public Transportation Systems: Principles of System Design, Operations Planning and Real-Time Control 清华大学外教中心 7952022/12/23
New Foundation of Artificial Intelligence 清华大学外教中心 8072022/12/23
Design and Analysis of Composite Structures for Automotive Applications: Chassis and Drivetrain 清华大学外教中心 9292020/12/31
Automotive Technology 清华大学外教中心 11382019/12/26
Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: A Multimodal Integration 清华大学外教中心 11812018/12/27
Traffic & Highway Engineering 清华大学外教中心 13192018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11152018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11562018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11332018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11302018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11312018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11842018/12/27
Today's Technician 清华大学外教中心 11552018/12/27
The Car Care Book 清华大学外教中心 11842018/12/27
Modern Motorcycle Technology 清华大学外教中心 11882018/12/27
Modern Diesel Technology 清华大学外教中心 11592018/12/27
Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems 清华大学外教中心 11642018/12/27
Introduction to Traffic Engineering 清华大学外教中心 11002018/12/27
Computerized Engine Controls 清华大学外教中心 11762018/12/27

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