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Chinese History Stories 中国农业大学外教中心 1092023/8/25
The Shepherd, the Volk, and the Middle Class: Transformations of Pastoral in German-Language Writing, 1750-1850 清华大学外教中心 4042020/12/31
Locating Heisei in Japanese Fiction and Film: The Historical Imagination of the Lost Decades 清华大学外教中心 4562020/12/31
Contemporary Rewritings of Liminal Women: Echoes of the Past 清华大学外教中心 4572020/12/31
Literature and the World 清华大学外教中心 4402020/12/31
Infinite Jest: A Novel / Back Bay 10Th Anniversary Pbk. Ed 中国农业大学外教中心 5382019/5/23
Drama and Imagery in English Medieval Churches 东南大学外教中心 6172018/11/22
Cityscaping 东南大学外教中心 6832018/11/22
Street Lit 东南大学外教中心 6162018/11/22
Place-Making for the Imagination 东南大学外教中心 6092018/11/22
The Trickster Brain 东南大学外教中心 6122018/11/22
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 中国农业大学外教中心 6522018/5/16
I Visit Yenan: Eye Witness Account of the Communist-Led Liberated Areas in North-West China 中国农业大学外教中心 6862018/5/16
Flipped 中国农业大学外教中心 6162018/5/16
The Valley of Amazement 中国农业大学外教中心 8022016/6/16
The Dream of the Red Chamber 中国农业大学外教中心 8432016/6/16
Chinese Literature: Great Tradition Since the Book of Songs 中国农业大学外教中心 10062016/6/16
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature 复旦大学外教中心 10132013/6/6
The Canterbury Tales 复旦大学外教中心 9232013/6/6

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